53rd St Barnabas Scout Group
cub Badges
The Cub Badges are split into different Categories and are listed below. Most badges are done in Groups with other Cubs. For individual badges the Cub Leaders must be informed before you start.
SERVICE Badges: AMEA, Recycling, Conserving Energy, My Faiths (Religion), Guide, World Conservation, First aid, Animal Lovers.
INTEREST Badges: Model Maker, Archaeologist, Astrologist, Book Reader, The Arts (Theater), Artist, Cypriot Tradition, Meteorologist , Musician, World Wide scouting, Collectors, Naturist, Photographer, Dancer, Fisherman, Entertainers.
SKILL Badges: Gardener, Lifeguard, Observer, Handyman, Craftsman.
ACTIVITY Badges: Athlete, Survival, Explorer, Camper, Swimmers, Kayakers, Cyclist.
PERSONAL GROWTH Badges: Journalist, Communication, Scientist, Cook, Translators, Road Safety, Home Helper, Technology
SCOUTING TECHNIQUE Badges: Orientation, Outdoor Cooking, Fire Safety, Pioneering.
EXTRA BADGES: Sportsman.
Amea Badge
AMEA People with disabilities.
1. Knowing what disability means and its different forms
2. Visit a building in your local community like a library, city hall or cinema. How accessible are they to a disabled person? Write down and present your observations.
3. Present with my six certain ways that I can use to help people with disabilities.
4. Prepare a sandwich using only one hand.
5. Draw using only your mouth.
6. Learn to use sign language and spell my name using it.
7. Know what the Paralympics are and recognize two athletes of my country that have or are currently participating in them.
Recycling Badge
1. Know what composting is.
2. Know the importance of recycling.
3. Recognize the different recycling bins and what goes into each one.
4. Know the different companies that are involved with recycling.
5. Recycle batteries inside the cub pack.
6. Inform my neighborhood about recycling.
conserving energy Badge
1. Know the different renewable sources of energy and where we find each one.
2. Recognize the positives and negatives of each renewable source of energy.
3. Know the effect that each renewable source of energy has in the environment.
4. Discover and apply different ways to save energy at home, at the scout hut and at school.
5. Make a simple craft that powers itself with a renewable source of energy like sun, water or air (eg. windmill, watermill etc)
6. Discover and apply different ways to save water at home, at the scout hut and at school and make a ‘’water saving rule book’’.
my faiths Badge
Complete four of the following:
1. Learn about three religions and their basic principles.
2. Know the most basic celebrations/holidays of three religions including my own.
3. Know the customs of three religions.
4. Know what the sacred text/book of each religion is called.
5. Recognize the significant differences between religions.
6. Take part in a ceremony of my religion.
7. Know the ‘’Symbol of Faith’’. 8. Know when my district's church celebrates its designated Saint and know the Saint’s life story.
guide Badge
1. Locate on the map of Cyprus three tourist attractions and know a few things about them.
2. Know where the airports and ports of my country are located and recognize their signs on the road.
3. Know the services offered in my municipality/community and what each one offers.
4. Present the murals and sights of my town (or village) and create a poster presenting them (tourist attractions or archaeological sites).
5. Be able to give out, kindly and hastily, directions to a location.
6. Know two sights or points of reference of two villages/municipalities that I have visited.
World Conservation Badge
Complete at least five of the following:
1. Learn about four endangered species of animals (2 of which are endemic) and suggest four ways to help them survive.
2. Learn about different kinds of animals that have become extinct.
3. Show how:
a. Plants produce oxygen.
b. The existence of Oxygen in the atmosphere (experiment with a candle).
4. Find examples of how humans have:
a. Negatively affected nature.
b. Has protected and preserved nature.
5. Learn about and attempt to follow the rules regarding Natural Environment (outdoor code of conduct).
6. Learn about the different problems of the environment (smog, noise pollution, ocean pollution, pollution of the earth and the air, fires, the hole in the ozone layer etc.) and ways to help improve them.
7. Take part in an experiment showcasing one of the following and present a table or essay with my findings (dangers from the corrosion of the environment, air pollution, water pollution etc)
8. Create, place and look after a bird feeder, a bird platform or a bird bath.
9. Observe how a plant grows, how a caterpillar transform into a butterfly, a tadpole into a frog etc and create a drawing showing their evolution process.
10. Take part in a movement that cleans and informs civilians about the environment.
first aid Badge
1. Know what ‘’First Aid’’ is and how to act in case of emergency.
2. Know how to call for help and what I must report.
3. Know the contents of a First Aid Kit and what the different stuff inside it is used for.
4. Know the safety measures that must be taken during the treatment of trauma, for my own safety and the safety of wounded, and why they must be taken.
5. Know about the dangers of accidents at home and where the gas, electricity and water switches are located.
6. Know how a knecker can be used in First Aid and how I can use on a head injury, wrist injury and arm injury.
7. Be able to offer First Aid in the case of:
a. a small wound
b. Large external bleeding
c. Nosebleed
d. Small burn
e. Insect bite
f. a person fainting
g. heat stroke
h. hypothermia
8. Know how to use a triangular and a cylinder bandage
9. Know the recovery position and when it’s used, as well as ways to carry a wounded person.
1. Bring my pet to a meeting and show to the rest of the pack how I take care of it.
2. Visit a zoo, wild animal reserve or an animal shelter. Learn about some of the animals there.
3. Know about animals’ rights and the obligations of pet owners.
4. Know what the animal police is and in which cases it interferes.
5. Know the importance of a chip implant in pets.
6. Take care of a stray animal.
7. Know about the dangers that threaten the natural environment of animals as well as about animals that are facing extinction. Create a poster, collage or a drawing about the above issue.
Model maker Badge
1. Know four main parts of an airplane.
2. Assemble a simple airplane model.
3. Visit a space or facilities that have to do with aviation means (eg. aviation club, airport etc).
4. On a diagram fill in correctly the parts of an airplane.
5. Know the safety rules regarding the flying of a model airplane.
6. Assemble a model airplane and successfully have it fly.
Archaeologist Badge
1. Be able to separate and sketch in three different ancient styles and name 5 different pottery vessels.
2. Know the different ages of Cyprus (Stone Age, Age of Copper etc) and associate which archaeological sites are connected with each one.
3. Visit the nearest archaeological museum or site of my area.
4. Name three famous archaeological sites, one of which is located abroad.
5. Know the how to behave when in a museum or archaeological site and learn about some of the exhibitions of a museum.
6. Know how to act in case I discover an ancient artifact and which services work with them.
7. Know how archaeological excavations happen.
8. Name three archaeological museums in Cyprus and abroad.
9. Create a vessel using clay.
Astrologist Badge
1. Know the myth behind the Big Dipper (otherwise known as Ursa Major) and the Little Dipper (otherwise known as Ursa MInor) and recognize them in the sky.
2. Know about two other constellations and the myths behind them.
3. Know how to locate the Northern Star and what it is used for.
4. Know about the planets of our Solar System.
5. Know what lunar eclipses and the full moon are and why they occur.
6. Create a Map of the Sky or a constellation diary.
Book readers Badge
1. Read a children’s book and narrate its story to the rest of the cub pack.
2. Know the names of two writers and the names of two of their works.
3. Show a leader that you know how to use an encyclopedia and a dictionary.
4. Know the basic parts of a book (Introduction, prologue, main body and epilogue).
5. Know what the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is.
6. Using a book you have recently read, prepare a summary and read it to the rest of the cub pack.
7. Make a bookmarker.
8. Donate two books that you no longer need to a library in your community or to the library of your Scout Group.
the arts Badge
1. Recognize the different types of theater.
2. Know the ancient amphitheaters of Cyprus and a few words about them.
3. Recognize the difference between an amphitheater and a modern day scene.
4. Take part in a theatrical play.
5. Present to the rest of Cub Pack an improvisation or a monologue from a theatrical excerpt that you like.
6. Know two modern and ancient theater play writers.
artist Badge
1. Recognize through pictures or video three of the Fine Arts (drawing, sculpting, dancing etc).
2. Recognize the materials or tools used in three of the above.
3. Prepare and present two works of mine based on two different forms of Fine Art.
4. Know the primary colors and how to combine them in order to create secondary colors.
5. Prepare a craft made out of clay.
6. Create a poster with images from my life in the Cub Pack.
Cypriot tradition Badge
1. Learn about the different kinds of produce of Cyprus, where they are produced and if they are exported abroad.
2. Know some of the customs of Cyprus and if they are still being honored in modern times (eg Cypriot wedding etc).
3. List three traditional foods of Cyprus.
4. Know three traditional professions of Cyprus that are facing extinction.
5. Learn the simple and basic steps of two kinds of traditional Cypriot dances, know where their names are derived from and recognize their music.
6. Recognize the traditional costume of the Cypriot man and the Cypriot woman. Say a few words about the costumes’ story and meaning and why they are no longer used.
7. Take part in a traditional Cypriot game.
Meteorologist Badge
1. Understand the climate and the basic weather conditions of my country. Mention how they affect a regular meeting and an outdoor expedition.
2. Write down the names of four basic types of wind and their properties.
3. Understand how clouds are formed and the different properties of each one.
4. Understand how the basic meteorological instruments work (thermometer, wind meter, barometer) and with simple materials construct one of them.
5. Mention two ways used in the old times for weather prediction.
Musician Badge
1. Know the three categories of musical instruments. Also know two instruments from each category and present a study about them using photographs, slides etc.
2. Distinguish at least three different genres of music by ear.
3. Mention a Greek and a Cypriot composer and one distinguishing piece of work from them.
4. Present to the rest of the Cub Pack a story using music and movement.
5. Take part in an orchestra or choir of my section or of my scout group and actively take part in an event or celebration.
6. Construct using simple materials a musical instrument and present it to the rest of the pack, explaining how I made it.
7. Listen two different pieces of music and express your thoughts and emotions on it.
8. Present an artist report regarding traditional Cypriot folk music (traditional instruments and songs)
9. Know about the traditional music of two other countries as well as the traditional Cypriot music.
World Wide scouting Badge
1. Know a traditional custom from two countries abroad.
2. Prepare a presentation with information and images that have to do with scouting abroad.
3. Know the flags and scout emblems of three countries and say a few words for each of those countries.
4. Know two children’s songs from other countries.
5. know where and when the first scout camp and the first World Scout Jamboree took place.
6. Know a scout song in another country.
Collectors Badge
1. Present an organised collection consisting of items of my liking and talk about the most interesting ones.
2. Present a diary in which I mention everything regarding my collection (where I collected each item, how, why I chose it and what I take caution in when it comes to the collection)
3. Explain the system/method I have applied to my collection and mention its advantages.
4. Suggest ways of saving and preserving my collection.
5. Mention the importance of my collection(s).
6. Suggest three collection topics to the rest of the cub pack.
Naturist Badge
Complete six of the following:
1. Know the basic forests and habitats of Cyprus.
2. Know the actions we take to preserve forests and what we must do in case we detect a forest fire.
3. Know some of the protected species of animals and birds of Cyprus.
4. Take part in two nature expeditions of my cub pack.
5. Take part in an expedition regarding environmental protection.
6. Recognize, either out in the wild or by photographs, five trees or bushes that can be found in the forest.
7. Collect the prints of three different kinds of leaves and three animals or birds.
8. Know some of the migrating birds of Cyprus and when and where we can find them.
9. Present three important ‘’Miracles of Nature’’ from around the world and two from my country (Grand Canyon, Niagara Waterfalls, Kritou Terra waterfalls, Avakas passage etc).
Photographer Badge
1. Know the history behind the photograph.
2. Know how a camera functions, how I can change its settings, how to zoom and how to transfer pictures from a camera to the computer.
3. Know the way to properly compose a frame when taking a photograph (eg the rule of threes etc)
4. Take a picture with the same subject but different lighting:
a. With the sun on the side/opposite
b. In the shade
c. When it’s cloudy
d. With the flash
5. Take a series of at least three pictures that show the progression of a story and add a caption under each picture.
Complete two of the following:
6. Take a regular picture and a black & white one and compare them. Explain the differences and the changes in colour.
7. Prepare a short video on a topic of my choice and present it with the help of my leaders.
8. Take at least three pictures of my area that could be used on the municipality’s website (eg. murals, squares, memorial statues/places, buildings etc).
1. Name two traditional dances of foreign countries and when they are danced.
2. Name two modern Greek dances and when they are danced.
3. Learn different kinds of dances through images, videos and documentaries.
4. Dance together with your six to a song of your choice and present in to the rest of the cub pack.
5. Hear different pieces of music/songs and recognize they dances that go with them.
6. Learn how to dance a traditional or modern dance.
fishermans Badge
Complete six of the following:
1. Recognize, either out in the wild or through pictures, three species of fish that live in the sea, three that live in sweet water and/or in fish farms that can be found in Cyprus.
2. Name three different kinds of bait and which fish can be caught using each kind.
3. Name the forbidden fishing methods.
4. Recognize two species of fish that have venomous spikes.
5. Know the safety rules when fishing from a rock, a boat and a dock.
6. Know how to unhook a fish without damaging it.
7. Prepare bait and put it on a fishing hook.
8. Create a simple improvised fishing rod.
9. Learn about the different ways of fishing and the purpose of each one.
Entertainer Badge
Complete eight of the following:
1. Dress up and mimic a person from a story or from mythology and present a small act in front of the rest of the cub pack.
2. Prepare a sketch with my six and present it in front of the rest of the cub pack and narrate a funny story or an anecdote.
3. Alongside my six, find two enigmas/riddles and ask the rest of the cub pack to solve them.
4. After speaking with the leader, entertain the rest of the cub pack for ten minutes using games/song/etc. Prepare a game regarding scouting knowledge and play it with the rest of the cub pack during meeting/expedition/camp.
5. Act out in front of the cub pack a scene from my favorite series/cartoon/movie.
6. Prepare a figurine of Karagkiozis, organize and present together with my six a puppet show or a theater of shadows.
7. Make sound effects for a sketch.
8. Present an entertaining program. Teach and lead a song in the cub pack. Lead two scout songs.
9. Play a song on a musical instrument.
10. Sing alone a folk song or traditional song.
11. Dance two folk dances of my liking.
gardener Badge
1. Know how to water, rake, clean, fertilize, plant and generally how to correctly tend to a garden.
2. Know the tools needed in order to look after a garden (shears, rake, etc.)
3. Plant flower seeds vegetable seeds to a part of the garden or a wooden crate or in plant pots and look after them until the flowers bloom or until the vegetables are usable.
4. Experiment by planting seeds on cotton (wheat, beans etc.) in a dark and in a sunny place at the same time.
5. Recognize the different parts of a plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, buds)
6. know three ways of planting (using seeds, using flower bulbs, etc.).
Lifeguard Badge
This badge should be achieved in collaboration with a licensed lifeguard.
1. Learn about and apply the safety rules of a pool area and of the beach.
2. Recognize the different lifeguard flags and whistle blows.
3. Know how to use a life jacket.
4. Be able to swim ‘’freestyle’’ with the head out of the water.
5. Recognize the tools that are used in rescues at both the pool and the beach (eg lifeboat, lifejacket etc.).
6. Know where the lifeguard is located at the pool and at the beach.
7. Know the procedure to report an incident (calling 112 etc.).
8. Know what First Aid steps should be taken in case of a drowning.
observers Badge
1. Recognise the following:
8 out of 10 sounds
8 out of 10 smells
8 out of 10 tastes
8 out of 10 objects
Successfully complete a Kim’s Game remembering 16 of the 20 items after observing them for 2 minutes.
2. During an outdoor expedition, follow a path using tracking symbols, write down at least 80% of the symbols and describe what materials are used to make them.
3. During a trip, keep a diary and write down the species of fauna and flora you encounter.
4. Know the different materials that can be used in order to make tracking symbols.
5. With the help of my leaders, cover a distance of 500 meters and in the end prepare a map with the main points of interest of the route.
handyman Badge
1. Take all the necessary precautions depending on the job that has to be done (gloves, goggles, helmet, earplugs etc.)
2. Recognize at least ten different tools and show how they are used.
3. Create something out of wood and compete all the necessary steps needed in order to complete the craft (gluing, nailing, smoothing the wood out, painting etc.).
4. Prepare stucco and use a spatula to apply it to holes in my cub pack or any other place indicated by my leader.
5. Know the correct procedure of changing a light bulb.
craftsman Badge
1. Prepare a craft of your own liking and present it to the rest of the cub pack. It can be sewing, stitching, sculpting etc.
2. Come up with five ideas for a craft and present them to the rest of the cub pack.
3. Visit a traditional crafting place or the Craft Service of Cyprus and mention which type of craft you liked more and why.
4. Know some basic materials used in crafts (clay, paper, sticks etc.)
5. Save up on the materials you use and take proper care of your tools (brushes, markers, etc.).
6. Decorate your six’s corner.
7. Know how to safely use the different tools used in crafts (scissors, glue, rulers, etc.)
athlete Badge
1. Be involved in a group or individual sport that pleases me, for a period of at least a year, for two to three hours a week (eg gymnastics, ski, archery, etc.).
2. Present to the rest of the pack the dangers I face in my sport and the precautionary measures required.
3. Present to the rest of the pack two-three rules and principles that are found in my sport and give two examples where I acted on good sportsmanship.
4. Present to the rest of the cub pack how I maintain the different kinds of equipment used in my sport.
5. Present to the rest of the cub pack a man and a woman that have excelled in my sport.
6. I act with proper sportsmanship, listen to the indications of my team leader and the referee of the match and try to do the best for my team. I respect the result of the match and always applaud the best team.
7. I respect the opposition, as well as my teammates, and deviate away from words and actions that might make them feel inferior or injure them.
survival Badge
1. Create a shelter using material I find in the wild.
2. Prepare and light a fire to cook outdoors and cook at least a basic meal. Always follow fire safety rules.
3. Help prepare and light up a scout fire.
4. Walk a short hike of two kilometers while following the instructions of the leader that accompanies me.
5. Construct tools using materials i find in the wild (eg hammer) and also construct cooking utensils (grill for kebab, marshmallow sticks etc.) from items found in the wild.
6. Know how to properly use a scout pocket knife.
explorer Badge
1. Learn about the work and achievements of at least two famous explorers (eg Darwin, Christopher Colombus etc.)
2. Find and recognize traces of an animal or bird and put its print on a cast.
3. Orient myself without the use of a compass.
4. Mark my trail as to not get lost or/and to have others follow me (eg. by placing tracking symbols) and be able to turn back and/or follow others by using their marks.
5. Take the necessary precautions before and during an expedition (inform the right people, know emergency phone numbers etc.)
6. Keep a journal of my expedition (eg. information regarding the wildlife, villages, ground, trail condition, etc.)
7. Learn about different findings (eg. volcanoes, new species, etc.) with the help of scientific guides (eg. National Geographic).
campers Badge
1. Participate in one of my cub pack’s camps.
2. Prepare a backpack with all the necessary supplies for a two day expedition and for a seven day camp.
3. During the camp, I maintain my personal items tidy (folded or seperated or rolled up, where applied) including my sleeping bag.
4. With the help of the rest of the cubs from my six prepare a craft using simple materials that serves the needs of the six during the camp.
5. During the duration of the camp I actively take part in all the work that my six is assigned to (flag breaks, chores, etc.).
6. Know the basic rules that apply to:
a. the camp’s quiet time,
b. fire safety,
c. cleanliness of the camp site before, during and after the camp
d. dealing with bad weather conditions.
7. Know how to set up and put away a tent.
swimmers Badge
1. Know and apply the basic safety rules at the pool and at the beach.
2. Mention a male and female famous swimmer and learn which swimming style they excel at.
3. Complete the following:
• Know how to dive
• Know how to perform the front glide
• Be able to tread in water for 3 minutes
• Be able to do the front stroke x2 Laps
• Be able to do the back stroke x2 Laps
• Be able to do the mush for 5 seconds
• Be able to swim on your back without using hands
• Swim x4 Laps any Stroke
• Be able to touch the bottom
• Be able to retrieve an item from the bottom
4. Recognize the different lifeguard flags.
5. Know how to use a life jacket.
6. Know how to act at the beach, bearing in mind the weather conditions that affect Cyprus.
kayaking Badge
1. Know how to swim and have gained the Cubs swimmers Badge.
2. Know:
a. the safety rules inside the boat or kayak.
b. the basic commands of rowing.
c. the rules regarding Kayaks and boats in places where people bathe in the sea.
3. Take part in an activity at sea.
4. Show your skills, rowing forwards, backwards, turning in place and covering a distance of fifty meters and returning. Be able to side my canoe and tie it to a beacon or an anchor.
5. Know the different kinds of sea transportation and learn about the different parts of a boat or Kayak, their usage and how to keep them in good condition.
6. Discipline yourself and follow the directions of the Assessor.
7. Roll over in a sea Kayak and right the Kayak and climb back in.
cyclist Badge
1. Learn about the evolution of the bicycle through the old times until today.
2. Name the parts of the bicycle but also the personal equipment of a cyclist.
3. Know the traffic rules regarding cyclists and the basics traffic signs.
4. Do a typical bicycle maintenance that includes the following:
a. cleaning
b. oiling
c. checking and adjusting of the breaks
d. checking and inflating the tires.
5. Cycle a route that includes at least:
a. five different traffic signs
b. a pedestrian crossing
c. a left turn
d. a roundabout
6. Repair a hole on the tire and rechain the bicycle.
Journalist Badge
1. Know: a. a few things about the history of the Press and its meaning.
b. What the terms ‘’daily’’, ‘’periodic’’ and ‘’digital’’ press mean.
2. Know the names of two newspapers, two magazines and two websites of digital means of information.
3. Know what the different columns of a newspaper are about.
4. Interview a person of my choice.
5. Make a newspaper on camp that includes 2-3 interviews, funny moments and news.
6. With the help of my leaders or my parents, I research on digital social media outlets and present the research to the rest of the cub pack.
Communication Badge
Achieve six of the following:
1. Understand the importance of communication between humans.
2. Know what the Morse code is and who created it.
3. Learn three ways to emit an SOS signal.
4. Write a message using invisible ink.
5. Know the following/actions in sign language:
a. hello
b. thank you
c. you’re welcome
d. good morning
e. goodnight
f. how to applaud.
6. Make my own code and send with it a message. Be able to decrypt another code using the key.
7. Use a walkie-talkie as a mean of communication in a game or expedition.
8. Decrypt a message written in plain code.
Scientist Badge
1. Learn about two scientific discoveries such as electricity, gravity, DNA, etc.
2. Mention two inventions that have to do with scientific discoveries (eg. electricity - light bulb)
3. Talk about the life and work of a famous scientist.
4. Do two of the following:
a. Mix lemon juice with baking powder
b. Create a telephone using string to transport sound
c. Study the seeds of two plants and notice the way that each plant protects its seed and multiplies.
5. Prove, with two experiments, the effect of atmospheric pressure. 6. Prove, practically, how white light consists of different colours (light composition).
cooks Badge
1. Know the importance of keeping a kitchen clean and organized and mention the safety rules of a kitchen.
2. Know the dangers that come from food poisoning and list five ways in which food might be contaminated and how to avoid them.
3. Know what the different utensils and devices of a kitchen are used for.
4. Know how to make coffee or tea or any other beverage.
5. Boil, cook, or fry an egg in an orange or a tomato.
6. Cook kebab and make unkneaded bread.
7. Know four methods of cooking and be able to describe them.
8. With the help of my six, prepare a dessert.
translators Badge
1. Attend foreign language lessons or know a foreign language (unless the language was learnt through the parents)
2. Have a simple conversation in a foreign language for five minutes.
3. Be able to give out simple information in a foreign language.
4. Translate a text of 10-15 lines from a foreign language to English.
5. Know which three international languages are the most popular (English, French and Spanish) and in which countries they are spoken.
6. Know how to say ‘’hello, good morning, goodnight, yes, no, thank you, you’re welcome’’ in three different languages.
Road Safety Badge
1. Be able to recognize the important road signs.
2. Know how to safely cross the road.
3. Know which side of the road we must walk on in order to be safe.
4. Know about the traffic lights.
5. Visit the Road Safety Park.
home helper Badge
Complete any six of the following:
1. Keep my tent and the areas I use clean by:
a. Sweeping them and airing them out correctly,
b. Making my bed correctly,
c. Always keeping my clothes and personal items neat and tidy.
2. Help in cleaning, organizing and serving at the dining hall during the duration of a camp.
3. Wash one of my dirty clothes.
4. Prepare a beverage for the rest of the cubs and/or the leaders.
5. Prepare a sandwich.
6. Learn how to fold my clothes, tie my shoelaces and sew a button.
7. Know to properly set the table (kitchenware of food/dessert, wine/water glasses)
8. Know how to properly pack my personal supplies for a camp.
9. Know how to act and who to call in case of: Power outage and the power coming back on, water leak and gas leak.
10. Correctly sew a button.
Technology Badge
1. With simple words describe what a computer is and name its different parts.
2. Know the basic safety precautions that must be taken for the correct usage of the computer as well as the dangers of abusing it.
3. Know the basic safety rules for using the internet and social media.
4. Know what antiviruses are and why we must install them on our computers.
5. Know what the email is, how to use it and certain providers (eg. hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc).
6. Know three different ways to store data on a computer (dvd, usb, cd, hard drive, external hard drive, etc).
Orientering Badge
1. Know the basic parts of a compass.
2. Know what a bearing is and how to calculate it.
3. Know how to correctly put away a compass.
4. Know where these parts are located on a map:
a. scale
b. key
c. parallels
5. Know how to place my compass in order to orient my map.
Outdoor Cooking Badge
1. Know how to make the star fire and the pyramid fire, when and why we use each one and the safety precautions that must be taken before lighting a fire.
2. Prepare to cook kebab on a handmade skewer.
3. Prepare an improvised meal.
4. Know the hygiene rules that must be followed during the preparation of a meal.
5. Help prepare a beverage.
6. Find nuts/fruit in the wild, know which ones are edible and the dangers from consuming non-edible ones.
Fire Safety Badge
1. Visit a fire station or invite a firefighter to my pack and learn about their profession.
2. Know where the fire extinguisher(s) is/are located in my group and how to use them.
3. Know the first actions that must be taken in case of a fire at home or at my scout hut.
4. Know the safety precautions of a scout fire.
5. Know the possible dangers that can cause a fire at home.
Pioneering Badge
1. Know when these lashings are used:
a. square lashing
b. diagonal lashing
c. sheer lashing
d. Figure of eight lashing
2. Know how the square and diagonal lashings are made.
3. Know how to stabilize a two meter tall pioneering project.
4. Know the basic rope kinds and be able to recognize them.
5. Know the basic pioneering materials.
Sportsman Badge
Complete the following:
1. Show reasonable proficiency and be taking part regularly in a sport.
2. Know the rules and laws for a sport and explain them to an adult.
3. Have good background knowledge of the teams and sports personalities of your chosen sport.
4. Explain what equipment is needed for the sport.
5. Be able to list some major events for the sport of your choice.
6. Give a description of events that you have attended in pursuit of your interest. If this has not been possible, explain to a Leader how you keep up to date with your sport.
To be Updated
To be updated
To be Updated
To be updated
To be Updated