The 53rd St Barnabas Scout Group is an English speaking Group running in Yermasoyia and Moutayiaka Village area in Limassol. At this moment in time we have 130 members.
The present 53rd Group Scout Leader ( GSL ) is Tracey Vlamis.
Network Leaders: Steph V and Anastasia E.
Explorer Leader: Tracey V.
Assistant Explorer Leaders: Eirini
Scout Leader: Max.
Assistant Scout Leaders: Andreas, Alexandra, Marfa, Kyriakos and Chris
Cub Leader: Estelle
Assistant Cub Leaders: Alan, Ellie and Stefanos F.
First Aider Leader: Tracey V
Mailing Address:53rd St Barnabas Scout Group. P.O. Box 54018, Limassol 3720, Cyprus.
Contact Mobile Number 99604211 ( Skip )
Directions to the Scout hut. The 53rd is housed in two places. One place in Yermasoyia and the other in Moutayiaka Village. Below are Google map links and directions to both huts. Our meetings are held on Saturdays at 3.00pm to 5.30pm. The meetings switch between both Scout Huts according to the program.