53rd St Barnabas Scout Group
Explorer Newsletter 11th Jan 2025
Dear Parents,
1. The next Explorer Meeting will be on the 18th January 2025 at the Yermasoyia Scout Hut at the normal times 3.00pm to 5.30pm.
2. The Due to the change in weather Explorers can only wear the Grey 53rd Fleece. Those needing a fleece can order one only on the 18th Jan from the Leaders at €25.
3. On Saturday the 18th January the 53rds Parents Committee will have their first Parents Meeting of 2025 at the Yermasoyia Scout hut from 5pm to 6pm. Also, we will be cutting this year’s Vassilopitta at 4.30pm. Any Parent’s wishing to attend are welcome.
4. On Saturday 25th January the Explorers will be going on a trip to Larnaca and the Camel Park in Mazotos. In Larnaca the Explorers will visit the Castle, St Lazarous Church and the Landmark of Hala Sultan Tekkesi and look around. At the Camel Park Explorers will eat their packed lunch and explore the zoo and ride a Camel. Those taking part must be at the Moutayiaka Scout Hut at 8.30am dressed in full Uniform and have with them a waterproof jacket and a packed lunch and water bottle. Transportation will be by bus. We will return back to the Scout Hut at 4.00pm. The cost of the trip is €20. Please hand in the Permission form below. The Payment of €20 can be handed in on the 25th Jan. We will not be able to accept any more names after the 18th Jan.
Yours in Scouting
Tracey Vlamis
Group Scout Leader
Tel 99604211
__________________________________ ( Cut Here ) _____________________________________
My son/daughter …………………………………………………………………….…………… has my permission to take part in the Trip to Larnaca (the Castle, St Lazarous Church and the Landmark of Hala Sultan Tekkesi) and the Camel Park in Mazotos ( and ride a Camel ) on Saturday 25th January 2025.
In case of emergencies I can be contacted on …………………………………………..................................
He/She is/is not on any medication, if so please state ………………………………….................................
He/She has/has not any other medical conditions ……………………………………....................................
Signed ……..…….…. (Mother/Guardian) Signed ……..……….. (Father/Guardian) Date ……….…